Savez antifašističkih boraca i antifašista RH
Pavla Hatza 16, 10000 Zagreb
Republika Hrvatska
OIB: 78328494160
(+385 1) 48 39 996
(+385 1) 48 39 998
Potvrda građanskog angažmana u izgradnji antifašizma kao specifičnog oblika građanske neposlušnosti u vrijeme totalitarnih režima
U sklopu projekta provodi se edukativni program “Škole demokracije”. Cilj programa je educirati mlade aktiviste, učitelje, povjesničare i novinare
Virtualna izložba gdje objavljujemo radove učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola iz Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine te Slovenije...
Savez antifašističkih boraca i antifašista Republike Hrvatske u partnerstvu sa Savezom antifašista i boraca Narodnooslobodilačkog rata u Bosni i Hercegovini te sa Zveza zdruzenj borcev za vrednote narodnoosvobodilnega boja Sl iz Slovenije započeo je provedbu projekta ”Europsko antifašističko naslijeđe. Projekt je financiran kroz program Europa za građane, Aktivnost 4. – Aktivno europsko sjećanje, a započeo je s implementacijom 10.10.2020. te će trajati 24 mjeseca.
Projekt je zamišljen kao odgovor na podizanje govora mržnje i netolerancije, često povezan s desničarskim populistima, ciljajući na novog „Drugog“ i novog „Neprijatelja“ u Europi općenito te zemljama sudionicama: Hrvatskoj, Sloveniji i Bosni i Hercegovini. Tijekom II. svjetskog rata to su bili Židovi, Romi, homoseksualci / lezbijke i neke druge manjine (kao što je srpska manjina u Hrvatskoj), dok je danas diskurs “Drugog” uglavnom usmjeren na migrante, muslimane, ali i na Židove i Rome, seksualne i etničke manjine. U sve tri zemlje provodi se vrlo snažan pokret povijesnog revizionizma, a u Hrvatskoj se čak provodi negacija holokausta (u odnosu na koncentracijski logor Jasenovac u Hrvatskoj). Očekivani rezultati ovog projekta su: mobilizacija stručnosti, aktivizma i povezivanje stručnih zajednica iz tri zemlje radi razmjene stručnosti i znanja u suvremenom kontekstu u te tri zemlje koje dijele zajedničku povijest u odnosu na antifašistički pokret i zajedničke suvremene probleme povezane s povijesnim revizionizmom. Drugo, očekujemo da ćemo povećati svijest i dostupnost informacija među mladima o vrijednostima antifašističkog pokreta, važnosti građanske hrabrosti u totalitarnim režimima i prepoznavanju propagande koja dovodi do zločina nad određenim društvenim skupinama. Projekt je podijeljen u tri radna paketa koji odgovaraju tri specifična cilja: Radni paket I: Valorizacija građanskog angažmana u izgradnji antifašističkog pokreta kao specifičnog oblika građanske neposlušnosti u vrijeme totalitarnih režima; Radni paket II: Analiza političkih konstrukt „Drugog“ i „Neprijatelja“ za vrijeme fašizma i nacizma i u suvremenim europskim društvima, te Radni paket III: Obilježavanje glavnih povijesnih prekretnica u novijoj europskoj povijesti: 2000 Proglašenje Povelje EU o temeljnim pravima. Projekt će izravno uključiti 1749 te neizravno kroz medijske kampanje utjecati na dodatnih 50 000 sudionika.
The Association of Anti-Fascist Fighters and Anti-Fascists of the Republic of Croatia in partnership with the Federation of Antifascists and National Liberation War Veterans of Bosnia and Herzegovina and The Union of the Associations for the Values of the National Liberation Movement of Slovenia completed the project “European Anti-Fascist Heritage”. The project was funded through the Europe for Citizens program, Activity 4 – Active European Remembrance, and began implementation on 10.10.2020. and completed implementation on 10.04.2022.
Preparatory activities involved 20 participants.
Location / Dates: Zagreb, 06/11/2020 / Online, 03/12/2020
Short description: Two one day Kick off meetings was organised. First Kick off meeting was organized in Zagreb for Croatian core team where all preparations for project activity plan was define and where all preparation for project consortium team meeting where done. 10 persons participated to this meeting. Second Kick off meeting was organised on-line for all project partners. Online format was chosen since Covid 19 pandemic started and we needed to adopt. On this meeting we defined final activity plan since we needed to adopt it regarding Covid-19 situation, we prepare dissemination plan, media events for each country, project management tasks, risk management plan and we selected select Expert Board members which were in charge for quality control of the project’s outputs. Selected Expert Board member are Franjo Habulin from The Union of Anti-Fascist veterans and Anti-Fascists of the Republic of Croatia, Sead Đulić from Federation of Antifascists and National Liberation War Veterans of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Marjan Šiftar from The Union of the Associations for the Values of the National Liberation Movement of Slovenia. In total 13 participants participated on second meeting.
Events: 5 events have been carried out within this project:
Participation: The event involved 60 citizens, including 25 participants from the city of Zagreb (Croatia),
20 participants from the city of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and 15 participants from the city Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Location / Dates: The event took place in Zagreb and Hospital in Petrova Gora (Croatia), Ljubljana and Hospital in Dolenji Novaki (Slovenia), and Sarajevo and Hospital in Korčanica from 15/12/2020 to 01/12/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was to detect, describe and Zagreb present courage, activism and solidarity of people involved in work of partisan hospitals in Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Over 3,000 doctors, including 319 doctors, took part in the care of the wounded and sick. With their sacrifice in extremely difficult war conditions, they saved a large number of lives in the procurement of medicines and other medical supplies. Through this project, we dealt with the three most famous partisan hospitals: Franja in Slovenia, the hospital in Pišin Gaj on Petrova Gora in Croatia, and the one in the area of Korčanica on the mountain Grmeč in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Expert team from all three countries gathered a huge amount of material that was digitized and published on the project website and available to all interested public. In Zagreb and Petrov agora tribune and photo exhibition: LIFE OF PARTISAN HOSPITAL was organised in October 2021.
Participation: The event involved 70 citizens, including 27 participants from the city of Zagreb (Croatia), 23 participants from the city of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and 20 participants from the city of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Zagreb (Croatia), from 31/05/2021 to 17/06/2021, Ljubljana/ Online (Slovenia), from 03/05/2021 to 09/06/2021 and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), from 26/05/2021 to 10/07/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was to organise training for young activists, teachers, historians and journalists from all three participating countries through three modules: I. Fascist and Nazi regimes in Europe- from hate speech, populist propaganda and intolerance to Holocaust, II. Xenophobia, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism and discrimination of Roma and minorities today, III. 20 Years of European Charter on fundamental rights: are our societies more in line with fundamental European values? Due to the Covid-9 pandemic we were not able to organize joint lectures, so each partner organized all three modules in their country. Within each module three individual lectures were organised. Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina organized lectures mostly live, while the Slovenian partner organized lectures online. The lectures were held in May and June 2021. In total 70 young activists, teachers, historians and journalists participated directly within this educational programme “Democracy school”, and since all events were recorded, published online and promoted we assume that more than 50000 people were reached.
Participation: The event involved 40 citizens, including 22 participants from the city of Zagreb (Croatia),
7 participants from the city of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and 11 participants from the city of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Zagreb, Croatia, 22/10/2021
Short description: The aim of the event was to provide additional information and knowledge to media professionals, decision makers, activists, journalists and historians from all three participating countries in relation to problems of historical revisionism, right wing populism and denial of Holocaust. As a result of this seminar publication “Historical Revisionism in the Post-Yugoslav Region” was published and it is available in online format in all three national languages and in English. Main speakers at this event were three historians: Hrvoje Klasić from Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Oto Luthar director of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana and Dino Dupanović from Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo.
Participation: The event involved 1500 citizens, including 250 participants from Croatia, 250 participants from Slovenia and 1000 participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Location / Dates: The event took place in Zagreb (Croatia), from 01/10/2021 to 10/12/2021, Ljubljana (Slovenia), from 30/11/2021 to 31/03/2022 and Jablanica, Mostar, Drvar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), from 24/06/2021 to 10/12/2021, Online exhibition 10/12/2021-09/04/2022
Short description: Exhibition and online campaign Who’s Other and Different brings together the works of primary and secondary school students from Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, showing attitudes and values towards groups that have experienced or are experiencing discrimination and following how this relationship has changed since World War II. Young people from primary and secondary schools in all three countries sent photos, videos and written work on the topic of construction of the other in Fascist/Nazi narrative and “Others” in contemporary European societies. Project partners from Federation of Antifascists and National Liberation War Veterans of Bosnia and Herzegovina organised several exhibitions’ events. First in Museum of the Battle for the Wounded in Jablanica, second in Mostar and third in Drvar. Due to Covid-19 pandemic main exhibition was organised on 10th December 2021 on Human Rights Day in Zagreb, Sarajevo and Ljubljana. Online campaign and exhibition was published on project web site and promoted through Facebook page of each partner and also promoted through official web page of Human Rights Film festival in Zagreb. More than 20000 people was direct reached through social media campaign.
Participation: The event involved 127 citizens, including 25 participants from the city of Zagreb (Croatia),
47 participants from the city of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and 55 participants from the city of Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Location / Dates: The event took place in Zagreb (Croatia) 10/12/2021, Ljubljana (Slovenia), 10/12/2021 and Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina), 10/12/202
Short description: Due to the Covid-9 pandemic this activity was implemented in 2021. In each country all partners organised public events to commemorate 2000 Proclamation of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights during Human Rights Day 2021. In Croatia SABHR together with Documenta and Human rights House organised public event and during Human Rights Film festival in Zagreb promote this project, in Slovenia ZZB NOB Slovenije organised round table in Ljubljana and in Sarajevo Federation of Antifascists and National Liberation War Veterans of Bosnia and Herzegovina organised one day event. On the project level professor Hrvoje Klasić prepared detailed curricula on EU Charter for “Democracy school” and which was implemented during this project.
Ovaj materijal nastao je uz financijsku potporu Europske unije, u sklopu projekta ”Europsko antifašističko naslijeđe – alat za borbu protiv suvremenih oblika diskriminacije i netolerancije”. Potpora Europske komisije proizvodnji ove publikacije ne predstavlja potporu sadržaju koji odražava samo stavove autora i Komisija ne može biti odgovorna za uporabu sadržanih informacija.